Peer to Peer network and HCP toolkit
Peer to Peer network and HCP toolkit
As part of our Act on axial SpA campaign we want to build a sustainable support network for Health Care Professionals who are working in support of the campaign, delivering change and promoting the provision of axial SpA care. Use this page to read about how you can get involved, be part of the peer to peer network and use our toolkit of resources aimed at helping you in your role. Please reach out to the team for more information:

Changemaker Awards
Changemaker awards
Are you an axial SpA Changemaker?
As part of the Act on Axial SpA campaign, NASS have a created a brand new award to recognise the great work that health professionals are doing to reduce the time to diagnosis.
The awards application process is currently closed, and we will be announcing the winners from round two at the Houses of Parliament on 1 April 2025.

Our peer to peer network
NASS has set up a network open to any healthcare professional working in Axial SpA either within the NHS or Private Practice. This multi-professional network is a structured but informal group which provides the opportunity to share information, knowledge, skills, prospectives and ideas on how to approach issues relating to axial SpA
Our monthly webinars are recorded and hosted on our members only YouTube channel.
Sign up here to join our community or email for more information

Toolkit for Health Care Professionals
Toolkit for Health Care Professionals
We have been developing a toolkit of resources to help you as health care professionals with improving axial SpA care and driving down diagnostic delay.
Here is where you will find all the tools, presentations, posters and other materials in one place.
NASS is also able to provide copies of any of the materials you would like, please email with any requests
A Gold Standard time to diagnosis
The current time to diagnosis of axial SpA in the UK averages approximately 8.5 years from symptom onset. This delay is unacceptable and has serious consequences for the patient. Our act on axial SpA campaign sets out a roadmap for reducing the time from symptom onset to diagnosis to just one year.