Why Karen wants to be a NASS champion:
It saddens me to hear the difficulties patients have endured and I have seen first hand, the significant impact that the delay to diagnosis can have on their quality of life. Knowing that there are treatments available, which can provide life-changing benefits, is a clear motivation for my wanting to be involved in this project working with NASS. I have been looking for such an opportunity to get involved in a project, which lends itself to an area in which I feel passionate and in which I have developed a level of expertise.
What Karen hopes to achieve from the programme:
“I look forward to working together with the NASS Champions in engaging and working more closely with primary care colleagues: raising the profile of Axial Spondyloarthritis (including Ankylosing Spondylitis / AS), improving early recognition of the symptoms and pathway implementation to improve the patient’s journey and access to care.”