Heather is a Rheumatology Advanced Clinical Specialist working in York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. She has been awarded Bronze for her ongoing work towards reducing the delay to diagnosis through education, data submission and pathway development.
- She is on the Astretch Committee where she organises and helps deliver the AStretch Axial Spondyloarthritis Physiotherapy Assessment & Management Workshop. This includes education on all aspects of axial SpA from identification to management in secondary care and running a NASS branch.
- She meets regulary with members of the gastroenterology team to discuss people with axial SpA and bowel problems. She has also helped develop a sheet to be used in ophthalmology to help identify patients who may have inflammatory back pain and need a referral to rheumatology.
- She regular delivers education sessions, to First Contact Practitioners (FCP) and MSK physiotherapists.