Dr Chan is a Consultant Rheumatologist in the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust. He sits on our medical advisory board and is committed to supporting NASS in driving down the delay to diagnosis. He has been awarded a Gold award for his work on reducing the delay to diagnosis through education, setting up services and local networks, and his dedication to data collection.
- He created the Rheumatology Academy and Collaborative Network (RheumACaN) for GPs, FCPs, Physios in primary care and the community in Berkshire.
- He has ensured that all new patients from 2022 are submitted to the NASS Time to Diagnosis audit and currently achieves a mean time to diagnosis of 1 year.
- He regularly presents Axial SpA educational sessions at regional and national levels to both primary and secondary care audiences .
- He set up the South Coast Axial Spondyloarthritis Network (SCAN) comprising of nine hospitals in the South Coast. He led the work on implementing the national guidelines for SCAN and presented this as a poster at the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) Annual Conference.
- He has developed a pop up tool within the local GP referral system which helps GPs to recognise the symptoms of axial SpA.