Introduction to Sam:
Sam completed her Bachelors in Physiotherapy in 2006 and after working in India for two years, she pursued higher education at Sheffield Hallam University and completed a Masters in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy in 2010. She has worked in private as well as NHS sectors since then. She passionately believes that one should never stop learning, she has successfully completed PG Dip in injection therapy -20 credits (2016), Advanced practice in musculoskeletal medicine-30 credits (2018) and independent prescribing-40 credits (2022). Sam passed her diploma in musculoskeletal medicine and sports exercise science to gain a diplomate membership of the faculty of sports and exercise medicine (2021).
Sam is extremely enthusiastic about personalised care, wellness and fitness and runs her own clinic, Physiozen to educate, treat, manage, and improve fitness and wellness using social media as well as physiotherapy, pilates and dance fitness classes. She is also a Health education England trainer to train supervisors to support FCPs nationally and a co-convenor of CSP -FCP London peer support group.
Her current role is working as an Advanced physiotherapy practitioner (APP) and an Advanced First contact practitioner AP-FCP for Kingston hospital, London. She regularly attends webinars conducted by PCRMM, FSEM, Versus arthritis, MACP, APPN. Her special interests are spine and having worked as a clinical spinal specialist (2017-2020) and now as a first contact practitioner she has developed special interest in Rheumatology and inflammatory spondyloarthropathy.